::: Yiuk Mareeeeeee…..!!!!! :::

Juli 7, 2007

777 – What a Beautiful Combination

Filed under: Artis, Gossip, Harry Potter, Hot News, Informasi, International, Review — yukmare @ 9:52 am

Ade ape sih sebenernye ame 777,..??
ape pesawat boeing 777 ade yang jatuh lagee?
Yo Owlloh,…
Aye baru nyadar kalo hari sabtu ini, tanggal 7, Bulan 7 tahun 2007
wah cantik banget ye kombinasinye,..

“The numerology on this day – 7-7-07 – is phenomenal, Seven represents the aura. Three sevens equals 21 (2+13). Three represents the positive mind. Add the 7 p.m. hour and you have four sevens, which equals 28 (2+810). Ten is the radiant body.”

Tapi ade ape sih sebenernye,..?
Istimewa (pastinye) buat:
  1. Irfan Hakim & Della Sabrina Indah’s Wedding di Masjid Cut Meutia, Jakarta
  2. Eva Longoria & Tony Parker’s Wedding in France
  3. J.K Rowlings: Harry Potter Book 7 -Official Release date-
  4. Pasangan yang menikah, punye anak, cerai (omg), hari jadi en umroh misalnye,..
Sementare buat aye,…??
biase aje tuch…!!
Bey d Wey,..
Ini khan hari Sabtu niey, lumayan juge kalo Have Fun bwat malem mingguan. Lucu juge khan kalo hari ini emang luck banget, kaye Lucky 7.
Good Luck All,…

Juli 4, 2007

Harry Potter’s Waxwork on Madame Tussaud Museum

Filed under: Artis, Film, Harry Potter, Hot News — yukmare @ 9:13 am

Komen kalian gimane abis ngliyat poto ntu..??
Cakep banget ye..!!

Tadinye aye pikir ntu Danniel Radcliffe beneran, tapi ntu cuma Patung Lilin-nya doang..!!
Gile bener, patung lilinnye aje cakep banget, gimane aslinye ye..?dah ntuh, ga cume cakep, tapi detilnye perfect bener dah..!!!

Beruntung banget ye jadi Daniel Radcliffe, umur boleh d, masih 18 taon. Tapi buwat urusan ketenaran, siape sih nyang ga tau Harry Potter..???
Kalo ga salah die jadi selebriti muda terkaye di Inggris bo’

Dah tajir mampus, terkenalnye audzubilleh, skarang dibuatin Patung lilin di Museum Madamme Tussaud London lagi, sebelom pelm Harry Potter terbarunye kluar..

Bey d Wey,,
Daniel Radcliffe masih bakal maen sampe Harry Potter tamat ko,,
kalo masih singel, aye juge mau ko bang Daniel,,!!

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